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Nicole Pearce Photography is a small boutique business specialising in child portraiture. Call 0417 537 105

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Day 20

Today wasn't my best day, yes the baby did sleep, that wasn't the issue. I took Minna to the clinic for a check up because I was concerned she wasn't putting on enough weight, and well yep I was right, seems that she isn't getting enough milk from me. I put it down to the fact that she isn't attaching properly and is a very sleepy sucker. So it pains me to make the decision to switch to formula when I wanted with all my heart for the breastfeeding to work. I guess on the upside I can now have a glass of red with dinner and start thinking about doing the odd photography job sooner than expected.  Why is it that I'm so hung up on breastfeeding? argh! I wish it worked :(.......

Posted the day after

1 comment:

  1. Poppy Pearce has asked " When are we going to get some new photos for those of us at Council who are following the escapades of Mina Mouse?"

    Justine - devoted follower

