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Nicole Pearce Photography is a small boutique business specialising in child portraiture. Call 0417 537 105

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Many faces of Minna

Ok I finally found a few minutes to update the blog with some photos of Minna.

She is changing daily and it's all going too quickly! my baby is now no longer considered a newborn :( she is 3.5 months old and I'm so in love with her.

She is putting on weight really quickly now, 6.2kg of baby and she has the leg rolls to prove it! she is enjoying her sleep time which is great considering the other 2 kiddies were also good sleepers, I thought I would be punished with the 3rd baby but luckily it hasn't happened.

She loves her mummy to bits and loves to talk baby babble all the time. Her face lights up when I get close and have a little chat. Her favourite song is row row row your boat, even if she is getting cranky she will smile when I sing to her. I really don't know why because I think I sound like Fran Fine when I sing eeeek!
Fortunately I've been able to keep breastfeeding which is great, we still need to give her formula as well but it all seems to be working well, she doesn't care what she gets as long as she has a full stomach!

This photo was taken yesterday just when she woke from her afternoon nap:) 

I love this face! she is such a happy baby and I'm thinking big giggles are about to start
Checking out her mobile :)
Her hair is starting to settle down (thankfully!) 


  1. gorgeous photos, Nikki

    love Grossi

  2. she is one lovely little girl..photos gorgeous as always. Andy

  3. Nicole, she is absolutely beautiful and as always you have taken some gorgeous pics. I cant wait to meet her. I am still very jealous of her hair. Jordan is almost one and still looks like a little old man with no hair! Just waiting until I can drive to come and see you. Susan

  4. just had a closer look to your blog, I couldn't stop reading. I have known it since a long time you are a very good photographer but now I have realised you are a very good writer too. All those words you have found about your family sound like a novel for me... keep going with this site. Simone and of course the photos are great than usual!!!

