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Nicole Pearce Photography is a small boutique business specialising in child portraiture. Call 0417 537 105

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Where the heck did April go?

April........ it went so quickly but was full of fun. School holidays, Easter, bike riding, babies getting fat, loosing teeth, the list goes on. 

First up we went to visit my parents for Easter. The children just about fell over with excitement when we arrived because my dad had built them as a surprise fort/cubby. It was made mostly out of recycled timber from an unused hut on their property. My dad had mentioned to me that he would do it but I never thought his elaborate plan would actually come true! we are still baffled at how he managed to get up there and construct the thing. Well done Dad we are very impressed. 

The big kid finally learnt how to ride her bike without training wheels! actually I make it sound as though we have been teaching her forever, but in fact we were always too lazy and if we knew it would only take about an hour to learn we would have done it a long time ago. 

On to the baby, well the baby is great, she is still growing and growing and growing. I would be quite happy if she just stopped for a while, she has grown SO much that I've gone through so many clothes that we can't keep up. I'm planning on doing a check in at the clinic so we can see what can be done with her ever expanding tummy! I never thought I would have that problem with a child. You would think I'd be happy with a fat baby after having miss fussy eater but no, I obviously can't be pleased.   

Finally I can't post without mentioning our wonderful friends! last weekend we caught up with my dear sweet lovely friends from Germany. I met Simone almost 4 years ago at a local playgroup and we instantly formed a great friendship. Simone was here in Australia for her husbands work and didn't speak much English, that didn't matter we had her handy translator gadget thing and were able to communicate quite well. Now Simone's English is So good that she can read novels without any problems :) it did make me realise how weird the English language is though........for instance, Traffic Jam, just think about it for a second......... hmmm yep there were many funny moments trying to explain words and phrases.  Anyway a year ago Simone went back to Germany with the kids, it was really sad to see her go but Stefan is still working here so luckily they came back for a holiday and made the trip up from Melbourne last weekend to catch up with their Sydney friends. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we will be able to see them again this year!  Thanks Simone and Stefan for driving all the way from Melbourne we loved seeing you all very much xxx 

In case you didn't already know, I've now got a facebook page for my photography. Go to http://www.facebook.com/nicolepearcephotography and click on like :) 


  1. Great pics as always Nicole.Keep snapping. I love them all! Susan

  2. thanks Nicole for all the nice words about us. I will keep our friendship as something very special!!

  3. wow - thats some impressive fort!!!

  4. What a beautiful family Nicole, gorgeous images

